What Can YOU Do for Ukraine?
Andrew Butenko
Oleksandr Olashyn
Olena Grischenko
AgileXRm - The integrated BPM for Microsoft Power Platform
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Andrew Butenko has been working with Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Power Platform development for over 15 years. Currently a Technical Architect at eXalents Solutions, he specializes in custom development within Dynamics 365 and Power Platform. A Microsoft MVP since 2010, Andrew is also a frequent speaker at industry conferences, sharing his practical insights with the community. He continues to contribute through his blog, YouTube tutorials, and GitHub, offering guidance to others building on the Power Platform.
As a solution architect and developer, Olena Grischenko loves solving problems. Her passion for technology helps her to find the best solutions to help people and improve their lives. She has been working with Microsoft technologies for the past 20 years. Also, she entered the Dynamics 365 world 15 years ago to watch it transformed into the diverse and magnificent world of Business Applications and Power Platform.
Being grateful for the support and mentoring from her teachers and peers for many years, she is happy to give back to the community. Today, she spends her free from work blogging, organizing events and groups, speaking and training people to understand technologies better. Recently, she has changed her career to working as an independent consultant and looking forward to running her own company in 2020.
In addition to that, Olena is always open to new projects and opportunities.
Oleksandr Olashyn is a Power Platform and Dynamics 365 developer from Ukraine (currently living in Poland). He is a Microsoft Biz Apps MVP and Microsoft Certified Trainer. The main focus areas are Power Apps Portals, PCF and D365 development in general. He really likes coding, dancing and sharing knowledge, which is why his personal blog is called dancingwithcrm.