Starting a Dynamics Practice in 2019 Marc Wolenik
Microsoft MVP Program: What It Really Is, Changes, and What to Look Forward to Purvin Patel
The Art of Writing a Successful Bid Proposal and Nailing a Killer Demo Jason Ferguson
A Deeper Look into the Microsoft Partner Ecosystem Stephen James
Creating a Partnership and Running a Global Business Anil Shah and Arthur Fromm
Winning Teams and Its Importance in Today’s Market Shane Parsons
Microsoft Business Application Partner Ecosystem Carissa Allen
Dynamics and Business Development Nick Spallitta
Maptaskr GIS Software and Operating an ISV Dave Newman
Presales and Client Engagement Matthew Anderson
ISVs and Growing with Dynamics 365 Mike Dickerson
The ISV Industry Challenges and Tips Christian Ternek
Dynamics Portals Nicholas Hayduk
Microsoft Docs for Dynamics 365 Vivek Kumar and Jim Daly
Dynamics Business Practice David Kohar